Psych med taper support

a better strategy

A chemically enhanced mind

One of the most challenging aspects about the decision to come off psych meds is the psychological back and forth that comes with it. No one starts out addicted to a medication, but when it comes time to decide if we want to renew the contract, thoughts like “can I really live my life without this” or “Who will I be if not on something?” pop up repeatedly. Many of my patients come to me with complaints like insomnia, panic attacks, hand tremor, gas/bloating alternating with nausea, and an unrelenting OCD-brain. Understandably the thought of coming off a med with these symptoms constantly brewing can be scary to say the least.

But, there comes a point where enough is enough.

on the other side

When I first started my career as an integrative mental health doc, I wanted to be a holistic physiologist or an orthomolecular psychiatrist. Why I chose to become a naturopathic doctor was because of how well my last taper worked using therapies like sauna, nutraceuticals, botanical medicines, and getting labs done that other doctors hadn’t ever run for me. I tapered myself 3 times and the last was the smoothest and the most successful. A successful taper to me is one that lasts and doesn’t leave the individual white-knuckling it.

A supported taper

What I’ve learned through my own experience and everyday with my clients, is that a supported taper is by far the best way to come off benzos, anti-depressants and other psych meds. The slow taper is based on the concept of “time heals all”, which could not be more wrong. When an arm is broken, we don’t just wait and hope for the best…no! We set it, cast it and then rehab it. Tapering is the same! Which is why we need to do two very important things that are often overlooked!

  1. Address the root cause and reason as to why you got on meds in the first place

  2. Rebuild the neurochemistry

Tapering can be one of the hardest things to go through, but it can also be a time of true healing.


I like to tell people the age you were when you started taking meds/drugs is the age you will feel emotionally when you stop. Having a psychologist onboard to help manage this “rawness” can be helpful. I say again, this can be a time of true healing.

How long?

There are so many questions that come up like how long will the taper last, which med to taper first, how large a dose cut, was Heather Ashton right, can supplements help me….? And my personal favorite: why dont doctors know how to do this? That’s a good question and believe me there is actually a good answer.

It sure is easy to put someone on a med, but getting off…that’s another story. And here is how I would answer all these questions:

Your brain chemistry, endocrine system and detox pathways are all unique and uniquely compensating to the medications you have been on which is why we will work together to create a treatment plan that is customized to YOU! I’ve seen many types of tapers and I’ve seen some go better than others and some be virtually impossible. My method is based on what I have seen be the most effective for the most people.

You may feel like the ashes now, but one day you will become a phoenix. <3

and before I forget….YES, you can do this.