Frequently Asked Questions


I don’t use a specific therapy to treat a specific condition, rather I have a ton of tools that I use when its the best option for you. Learn about some of the cool things we can do by clicking the link.

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How long are appointments and what can I expect?

Initial appointments are 60-75 minutes which gives me a chance to listen to your story, get more information, decide if any testing is appropriate, and select the next step regarding treatment. I WANT to see any lab work you have, and I WANT to check what was dismissed as normal. After we have gone over your health history and goals, we will come up with a treatment plan together and this will be emailed to you the day of your appointment.

Follow-up appointments are 30-45 minutes.

Do you take health insurance?

I do not accept health insurance at this time, but can give you a “super bill” to submit to your insurance company.

I’ve already been told it’s in my head, so..

It’s not. We’ll it might be, but not in the sense that you are making it up. Rest assured, there is a reason behind what’s going on and even if its mysterious, I highly doubt the answer is “you’re crazy”.

Can you prescribe medication?

No. As an ND in Nevada, I am not a PCP so I cannot network with insurance companies or prescribe medications.

Do you sell supplements?

I do not sell supplements or charge for lab kits. I strive to balance quality with cost. We recommend supplement purchase through Fullscript which is an online dispensary site and we give 15% off all orders.

Do you see children/elderly?

Yes, I work with infants, children, adults, elderly individuals and families.

I want to schedule for my adult child.

You are welcome to submit an application for a family member that you have guardianship or conservatorship for.

Is it ok to be in other therapies at the same time?

Absolutely! Whether you are concurrently seeing a psychotherapist, medical doctor, chiropractor or are on tons of medications, we can safely work together. Any herbs, supplements or therapies recommended on my part will only be done so if they don’t interfere with what you are already taking. In fact, holistic medicine often goes great with other therapies.

I want to get off my meds, can you help me?

Yes. This can be a scary process and my job will be to guide you through it so the withdrawal can be as minimal as possible.

Do you want my medical records?

These are always helpful, so please bring or send over any copies of blood work, images or anything else you think may be important to your story.

I’m new or nervous about supplements

Micronutrient therapy is an important part of my practice and I find most people do exponentially better with them in some form. I do not have a protocol so not everyone is suggested the same things and we can start slowly. BUT if supplements are not something you are comfortable with, that is ok, but we may not be a good fit.

Do You see clients from out of state?

I see clients from all over! Please contact me from wherever you are :) I am available for appointments in person at my clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada or with telehealth technology.

Can anyone get bioresonance done?

Bioresonance is an amazing tool. If you think it would be helpful for you, please email the clinic and we can give you instructions on how to ship your DNA sample to us. Bioresonance can be done as an add-on to any appointment and the testing is done in real-time. We review the results together and determine which supplements work the best with your body. To learn more, click here